Spooky Halloween Deviled Eggs

Deviled eggs are always a hit at parties & my wasabi spiked Halloween deviled eggs are no exception. Start by hard boiling eggs.

Transfer cooked eggs to an ice bath and let rest until completely chilled.

The ice bath helps the egg shells peel more easily.

Slice the eggs in half and pop out the yolks into a small bowl.

Mash the egg yolks with a fork or for a smoother texture use a mini food processor.

Add Kewpie mayonnaise and wasabi paste. with a hint of lemon juice.

Use green food coloring to give the deviled egg filling a spooky color.

Rinse the egg white halves so there's no yellow yolk stuck to them. Pat dry.

Thinly slice a radish to act as a sclera for an eyeball.

Slice black olives into "slits" to form the spooky pupil of the eye.

By placing the olive on the radish, you'll make a spooky eyeball that's perfect for Halloween Deviled Eggs. 

Your guests will love these spooky Halloween cats eyes (or Grinch eyes) to snack on. They taste great!

Put these spooky deviled eggs on your holiday party menu.